Available Courses

Junior Literacy Classes

Image representing a student reading with a smile in a library
Image representing a student reading with a smile in a library

For students 7-10 years old, our Junior Classes build a solid foundation of literacy. Wednesday classes introduces a wide range of novels, poetry, and debate, while the Saturday program focuses on building the specific reading and writing skills students will need to step into our Intermediate program

Content is engaging and authentic, drawing from a range of informational texts to build knowledge and experience as well as a range of both modern and classic novels and stories from around the world. Instead of grammar worksheets and spelling tests, students use their class time for explicit writing instruction and deep practice, writing in online documents that allow the teacher to give them feedback and correction as they write. With opportunities to publish their work on Kids Get Published, students learn the power of the written word, motivating them to improve and share their voice.

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iGCSE Classes

Image of two student working together and
Image of two student working together and

iGCSEs are internationally recognized standard language and literature exams that will allow students to enter high level academic programs in English. Academically rigorous, this is an intensive two year program culminating in a single exam that can unlock doors into specialized high school and university programs.

Students will hone the skills they practiced in our Intermediate program, allowing them to reach for true excellency, academically and personally. As well as providing them with the official certification to make their profile stand out in applications and admissions, students will develop critical writing and communication skills that will serve them in all aspects of their lives, empowering them to reach whatever goals they have set for themselves

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Intermediate Literacy Classes

Image representing teenagers working on notepags on a table
Image representing teenagers working on notepags on a table

For students entering middle school, our Intermediate program builds on the foundation developed in our Junior program, guiding students as they find and use their voice, developing the independence, self advocacy, and confidence they will need to engage with an increasingly connected world

With a wide range of authentic, real world articles, stories, and novels, from important classics to modern award winners, students will engage with a diverse range of perspectives and voices. Students will develop the analytical and critical thinking skills necessary to understand and challenge the ideas they will be immersed in. With a basis of technical proficiency to be able to express their ideas effectively, students will be encouraged to publish their opinions, stories, and articles, as well as enter writing competitions and write letters, using their skills to participate in the world, and step up into the iGCSE program.

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Language is a political institution; those who are wise in its ways, capable of using it to shape and serve important personal and social goals, will be the ones who are 'empowered' - able, that is, not merely to participate effectively in the world, but able also to act upon it, in the sense that they can strive for significant social change.
Halliday, M.A.K. 1989

Model United Nations Club

Image representing a lectern  notes and a microphone
Image representing a lectern notes and a microphone

Are you interested in global politics, current events, and human rights? Become a Global Citizen with our Model UN class. Develop your research, argumentation, and debating skills every week, and engage in meaningful discussion on important global issues. Plenty of opportunities to publish articles on Kids Get Published or to join Online Model UN conferences and debates with students across Europe.

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Early Readings Skills

Image representing a child with flash cards and letters
Image representing a child with flash cards and letters

Arranged as private lessons to accommodate for the attention span of very young learners, our early reading classes teach students the phonics skills children need to begin decoding and reading independently. Rooted in the science of reading, the engaging lessons are designed to give your child the tools they need to access the world of literacy.

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Book Club For Busy Teens

Image representing a stack of books and a coffee on a table
Image representing a stack of books and a coffee on a table

Calling all book lovers! Our inclusive book club provides a safe and engaging space to explore a diverse range of novels you probably won’t read in school. This is your chance to connect with fellow bookworms, share your thoughts, get your book reviews and opinions out there, and express yourself in a supportive environment. We’ve got a fresh novel every month to curl up with and dig your teeth into.

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