You Can Teach That

Exploring UDL, CLIL, and Plurilingualism

Discover practical insights on UDL, CLIL, and plurilingualism to support diverse learners and foster inclusive classrooms. Whether you're a teacher, parent, or researcher, this blog offers actionable strategies to make learning meaningful and accessible for all.

iGCSE: The Bridge From French School to English University

iGCSE: The Bridge From French School to English University

Is Your Child Ready for Success in an English-Speaking University?


Why Do We Read So Much When We Learn English?

Why Do We Read So Much When We Learn English?

Reading is hard. It takes time, stamina, effort. It can feel, sometimes, like a frustrating c…

Politics, Conservatism, and the AP College Board – Who Are W

Politics, Conservatism, and the AP College Board – Who Are W

While we’ve been distracted by the outrage over Roald Dahl’s changed books, the A…

Using a Skills Based Curriculum instead of Knowledge Based

Using a Skills Based Curriculum instead of Knowledge Based

What is the difference between a skills-based and knowledge-based curriculum?