The Spooky Wolf Forest
by Perla, 9
This was a night of halloween*
When the spooky season comes. That day Skyler and Minna’s dad told them that the girls should go to the haunted forest. The dad went there when he was a teenager and he knows the wold and he wants his kids to get to know them also especahly that Minna knows how t speak animal languages *
Minna said, “Only if Skyler goes,”
Skyler said, “Ok but we have to pack some things.“ So they packed a flashlight , a lamp just in case the flash light runs out , snacks , phone , blanket , and jackets then they said bye to their parents and go went to the forest.
Once they walked into the forest there was fog everywhere. “It smells weird like smoke or blood ,” Skyler said , she starts shaking because it got even more dark. *
They keep walking , walking, and walking until Minna says
“ Um can we go home now , I mean we walked into the forest , can we go back now ?!”
“ I wish but I think we're lost right now.” *
Minna looks at her phone for the map but she ran out of battery ! Skyler looks at her phone she also ran out of battery ! they cant even call their parents ! they looked behind them they saw a army of wolves and then the was a leader with red eyes and blood all over him and Skyler and Minna started running
And then they found out that wolf are really defensive,
the wolf was attacking them because normally anyone in the forest was scared of wolves so they'll attack them because they're scared and they think that Minna and Skyler might attack him
Minna noticed he hurted his leg so she ended up helping the wolf and became a expert with animals.
Skyler and Minna became brave they overcome their fears , Minna knows how to speaks some animal languages so she tried to ask the wolf if he know the ways to get out f the forest Skyler was shocked and the wolf brought them out of the forest . they went back home together and explained everything to the parents Minna and Skyler went to the same forest again next year and saw the wolf again felt like they were friends with each other they went to the forest every 2 years in halloween skyler and Minna begged Mom and Dad to come , the Dad was so so so happy ! to see his old wolf friends ! they're parents enjoyed it indeed that sometimes they’ll come with us and the mom and dad was so proud of their kids.