Little House on the Prairie
by Lucas U, 10
This book is about a family that is moving to the Native American country in 1869. The characters are Ma,Pa,Mary,Laura and Carrie. The Ingalls ( Ma,Pa,Mary,Laura and Carrie) are leaving their houses to go to the Native American country but on their way a lot of danger is going to meet them. The main problème is that the Ingalls are in the land of the Osages because the governor is letting the wight white peoples people inter enter the Osage country and the Osage tribe aren't happy about the change and they enter houses and take stuff and are doing war-cries. Ma,Pa,Mary,Laura and Carrie deal the problème by giving food to the Osages when they entered the house
I enjoyed reading this book because it taught me how food was important. . it makes you understand that water and food were precious in those days and that you needed to hunt the animal you wanted to eat.,Something that surprised me was that to get the water they needed to use water well to get water.My favourite character is Mary because when she got her beads she said she was going to give it to Carrie.
I think kids in school (or not) should read this book for learning American history and it would teach them a lot. ?I learned that sometimes neighbors can be really far. I think other people should read it I put it 8 stars on 10.